
Download the Toolkit to kickstart your body recomposition journey. It contains the tools and resources that our coaching clients use on their journey.

Inside The IFN Toolkit

Base Point Tracking Challenge
A seven-day food, fluid and fitness tracking challenge to help you understand your current routine. You can use our tools, a spreadsheet or the recommended apps to make tracking simple and accurate. All clients complete the base point tracking challenge prior to their initial consultation, to ensure we can provide personalised insights and recommendations.

The Rules of Recomposition ebook
Published by Tom Fitzgerald in 2020, this ebook gives you the tools, knowledge and confidence to develop your own body recomposition strategy. You can also get the ebook from Amazon or Google Play.

Action Plan
Implement the strategies from the Rules of Recomposition to start your body recomposition journey today.

Macronutrient Calculator

Nutrition calculator to access personalised macronutrient targets based on your goals.

Body Recomposition Calculator

Calculator to determine your target body weight based on your body composition goals.